Nuclear physics  

Learning Outcomes: On completion of this module the student should have acquired a basic knowledge of key topics in modern nuclear physics. The student should also be able to solve problems related to the various topics covered, having acquired a competence in the manipulation of appropriate mathematical tools. The module should provide the appropriate foundation for more advanced courses in nuclear physics at postgraduate level. Indicative Module Content: Introduction and summary/review of elementary concepts. Natural and artificial radioactivity. Radioactive Decay. Radioactive equilibrium. Interaction of radiation with matter (heavy charged particles, electrons, gamma and X-rays, neutrons). Overview on modes of radioactive decay. Theory of alpha decay - Gamow theory of alpha decay. Beta decay and the electron neutrino. Fermi theory of beta decay. Parity and its non-conservation in the weak interaction. Gamma decay and internal conversion. Liquid drop model of the nucleus. Spontaneous and induced fission. Modern fission reactors. Neutron activation analysis. Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fusion, including properties and confinement of high temperature plasmas. Proto-type fusion reactor.
Nuclear physics

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